Sports Specific Training

Sports Specific Training at Vita Fitness & Physical Therapy offers athletes of all ages personalized programs to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and optimize their athletic abilities. The training programs are designed to optimize an athlete’s potential, enhance skills, and maximize their competitive edge.

Our experienced therapists work closely with athletes to design tailored training plans that focus on sport-specific movements, strength, agility, endurance, and overall athletic performance

Treatment and Uses

Sports Specific Training is designed to address the unique needs and demands of each sport. Our expert therapists assess the athlete’s strengths, weaknesses, and performance goals to develop a comprehensive training program that targets specific areas for improvement.

The training sessions incorporate a variety of techniques, including:

  • Functional exercises
  • Plyometrics
  • Speed and agility drills
  • Resistance training
  • Conditioning exercises

These training modalities are tailored to mimic the movements and intensity required in the athlete’s specific sport, allowing for skill development, increased performance, and reduced risk of injuries.
Sports Specific Training at Vita Fitness & Physical Therapy is ideal for athletes of all levels, from amateurs to professionals, and covers a wide range of sports, including:

Golf: Enhance swing mechanics, power, and precision for improved performance on the course.
Recreational Running: Improve running form, endurance, and speed for recreational runners looking to boost their performance.

Pickleball: Enhance agility, reflexes, and overall athleticism specific to the sport of pickleball.

Other sports and activities that can benefit from our Sports Specific Training include:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Baseball/Softball
  • Tennis
  • Track and Field
  • Swimming
  • Martial arts
  • Volleyball

Why Choose Vita

At Vita Fitness & Physical Therapy, we are committed to helping athletes reach their full potential. Through Sports Specific Training, we provide the tools, expertise, and support needed for athletes to excel in their sport while minimizing the risk of injuries.
Achilles Tendonitis

Contact Us

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Please let us know how we can best help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Yes, that’s true

You can get evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist without needing a referral or prescription from your doctor.

Contact us directly if you have any concerns about your physical health, and let us help you get back to feeling your best!

Rachel Soo Hoo examing neck


Our ultimate goal is to help you not only feel better physically but also to ensure that you feel comfortable and actively involved in your therapy treatment. Our team of experienced clinicians will work closely with you to understand the root causes of your injury or condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you recover and maintain optimal health.

We recognize that each patient is unique and requires a tailored approach to their therapy.

Our team will work closely with you to set realistic goals and milestones and continually monitor your progress to ensure that you are on the right track to recovery. We will also provide you with exercises and education to empower you to take control of your recovery and maintain your health for the long term.

At Vita Fitness & Physical Therapy, we focus on improving the quality of life for our patients through quality care, education, and support. We are here to assist you at every step and make your recovery as smooth and comfortable as possible.